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art therapy related workshops and happenings ~ experimental jam ~ method demonstration

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(art therapy related workshops & happenings / method demonstration)


BPM - Beats per minute a measurement of tempo in music  - Beats per minute (heart rate), the number of heartbeats detected during one minute

Ocean - a very large or unlimited space or quantity 
Sounds surround us. Our body and sensory organs are perceiving vibrations every moment in our life, which impact our mood and the status of our body and soul. We are swimming in an ocean of sound. All creation is energy in movement, vibration. Each vibration has its own sound, color, visual pattern. When the vibration is slow enough, we recognize it as our material world.

During our workshops the participants will be able to meet and experience different techniques (music jam, drawing/painting, dancing) which affects every single sense of our body. Our aim is to display these invisible consequences of creations via music and art, when unity meets synesthesia to this very moment that we are all sharing on this planet.

Art therapy is a mental health profession that also has application in social, educational and medical fields. Art therapists enlist the creative process of art making to enhance the connection between body and mind. Art therapy is based on the premise that the creative process generated in artistic self-expression. As with most any therapy, art as therapy is generally used as a treatment for something – usually as a way to improve one’s emotional state or mental well-being. Expressive art therapy doesn’t have to be used only as a treatment though. It can be used to relieve stress or tension, or it can be used as a form of self-discovery. 

Have you ever noticed how much music, or doing an activity like drawing, dancing relaxes you after a long day? This effect is reached, because it is very therapeutic.

Unfortunately We've observed that  colouring, drawing, painting, dancing and playing music - without being a professional artist - is a very big fear in the adult world. We would help to break away from that social expectation, and see how liberating is it to let your creativity flow. We experiment with mixed techniques and incorporate the complex art therapy methods into workshops. Music, art, and dance are the main expressions for this variety of workshops. Music therapy can be a mix of playing instruments, listening to music, and singing. Dance therapy utilizes dance and movement. It makes sense that it is so effective–lots of endorphins are released into your body when you shake it! Complex art therapy can be a mixture of drawing, colouring, painting, dancing, singing, making music or listening music and pretty much everything else you can think of that is artistic.

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How you can imagine BPM-ocean workshop in practice?

We hold 2 max. 3 hours long workshops at festivals and special events, where we create an experimental jam therapy session. Beca brings the method of complex art therapy session and invites musicians and other artists/creative minds to create an atmosphere and a non judgmental playground together for the participants.

We open up a safe space ​where the participants have the opportunity to choose their level of participation. For us participating means already being in the same space with us. (enjoy the music, visualize the sounds, drawing/painting with tools/body, dancing, having fun. etc.)

When the tension is released, the participants may have the chance to find deeper connection with themselves and the self-healing process begin.

We bring an atmosphere, where the participants can dive into creation, enjoy themselves and the music, relax or rave with us in the very moment, in the Now. Miracles may arise from these events.

AZVLM 2019 / Dürer kert / credit: Orsi V
Goulash Disco 2019 / Croatia
Ozora Festival 2018 / Hungary
Goulash Disco 2019 / Croatia
Sa Terza Metari Festival 2019 / Italy
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Beca started the Bpm-Ocean project in 2017 and made its debut at Mediawave Festival in Hungary at the same year.

She is an abstract painter and a socio-/complex art therapist. Her aspiration is to paint visions, feelings, messages and music. She try to inspire others to think/dream beyond their world.

Two years ago she sat down with a piece of blank paper and a vision/dream of collaborating with other creative minds. Then there was lots of scribbling, erasing, taking a break, depth research, procrastinating...Before embarking on this intriguing journey, she had doubts about finding all the answers. She didn’t know what tools would serve us best, and wasn’t sure what resources would be best suited for this type of work. However, years of hard work provided her not only with the answers, but also with new methods to help her explore the things that she's most curious about.

In 2018 a focused team was formed and we started to experiment with blending art therapy disciplines and mixed techniques. We work as a group now.

One of our goals is to share the BPM-ocean project method with people around the world and to bring art, joy and art therapy closer to them. We hope, that with our work we will able to shatter the illusion of separation, and we will bring happiness into the life of many.

We would like to thank all of the people who were involved in the project or the workshops during the past years: Márton Lajtaváry, Ádám Kalmár, Tlacaelel Reyna, Adrienne Noémi Juhász, Szonja Dorottya Koltay, Botond Bretus, Vivien Minya, Patrik Kiss, Lilla Hovanyecz, Attila Miricz, Máté Kiss Bors, Vedat Akdağ, Béla Torma, Attila Montanaro

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I would like to present the resident artists/creative minds:  Andrea Probst (DE/HU), Antonia Vai (SWE/HU), Beca Lőrincz (HU), Johanna Gastager (DE), Michelle Carrasco (FR/CL), Ramiro Hidalgo (CL), Réka Oberfrank (HU), Tamara Quass (DE)

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Andrea Probst

Andrea Probst  is a yoga instructor who studied in Darjeeling and Goa, India - she was spending a lot of time with yoga and meditation. Right now she is finished her MA in Psychology in Budapest. She likes to see the beauty around her in movement, music, arts and everyday life.  


Antonia Vai

Antonia Vai is a Swedish singer-songwriter with Hungarian roots. She uses her songs as her expression, characteristic by her unique voice and storytelling lyrics.


Beca Lőrincz

Beca Lőrincz is an abstract painter and the founder/organiser of the BPM-ocean project. She is focusing on the healing methods of music and fine art during her studies and practice as a socio- and complex art therapist. 


Johanna Gastager

Johanna Gastager aka Patajana plays what she loves. Her sets are blurry collages that express what’s on her mind, what tickles her soul: Classic(al) music and techno. Music to dream, to embrace the very moment, to rave, to hover.  @Taka Tuka Island @WUT @Taka Tunes @sisterriot

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Michelle Carrasco

Michelle Carrasco is passionate by sound, music, art and alternative therapy. After her medical studies she decided to take one year off to travel in South America and discovered other ways to heal and understand the psycho-somatic medicines. On her road, she met the power of sounds and she found the healing energy with reiki, soundhealing and yoga. She is based in Paris and works with a label called Oyé as a visual artist, dancer and event producer. She created last year Santuario Sound Agency to support and promote musical project between South America and Europe.


Ramiro Hidalgo

Ramiro Hidalgo aka Råmiro's restless feet brought him from Santiago de Chile to Berlin and further east to Budapest. His flamboyant music style and unique charisma turn every dancefloor into a vibrant volcano. The painter and DJ connects his South-american roots with Berlin’s straight techno and Budapest’s bass obsession.


Réka Oberfrank

Réka Oberfrank is a young contemporary dancer who graduated at the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy. She lived and danced in both Denmark and Spain. At the moment she is working on her own projects and collaborations.


Tamara Quass

Tamara Quass aka Taremina is a DJ whose love lies in music from all over the globe, beyond boarders and genres, infused with rolling beats and chants of forgotten worlds. This passion brought her behind the DJ-decks in the Budapest underground club scene.

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Art Class



Mediawave festival 2017 (Budapest, HUN) - Bpm ocean workshop 

Ozora festival 2017 (Dádpuszta, HUN)  - Bpm ocean workshops at the Compass

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Paint Brushes


General infos:

  • Our workshops are 2 maximum 3 hours long and recommended for all ages.

  • Our workshops are open sessions, the participants don't need to make a registration before. Participants just need to show up and be ready to connect to this artistic adventure

  • The variety of art scenes what we use during the workshops: music, dance, visual art 

  • During the workshops we provide every materials the participants may need: different size of papers, brushes and paints, chalks, carbon chalks, etc.

  • min. 3 - max. 7 artist will hold the workshop (depending on the agreement with the festival/event)

  • After consultation and booking we will make a special workshop price and collect the variety of artists for your festival/event.

  • The price does not include the cost of materials and travel expenses, it will be charged separately, after booking we send the price list. 

  • We can take into consideration the mood and the possibilities of the festival/event, so design the workshop for the needs of the event - but only after prior consultation.

  • For a 4 days -> 1 week long festival we recommend 2 max 3 workshops on separate days. 

What can happen during the workshops? Flowing music, strong visual experiences, pure connection to yourself and your body - Please be careful as it can be addictive! :)

For further information, prices, more details, consultation and booking please contact us.

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“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”

Vincent van Gogh

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